Case Study | Visit Jersey


How we made Britain dream of an exotic Brit…(ish) island


After two consecutive summers of holidaying at home, British travellers were craving to visit somewhere different and enjoy new and exciting experiences. But there was still some hesitancy around longer haul travel due to uncertainties and safety concerns around COVID-19 and Brexit.

Visit Jersey’s consumer research identified a potential UK visitor market of 13 million British travellers. This presented an unprecedented opportunity for Jersey to market itself as an easy short-haul break that’s close to home, part of the UK common travel area, but a world away from the familiar British holiday.

The Island’s tourism board needed a tactical campaign to drive visitation in Spring & Summer 2022 by inspiring UK visitors to think differently about Jersey and tap into their motivations for travel.



Audience research

Stakeholder engagement

Creative development

Brand strategy


Our test audience responded extremely positively to the proposition that Jersey is ‘curiously Brit…(ish)’ and gave us a license to be bold and share our fresh, vibrant and exotic island with British travellers. They wanted to be transported somewhere familiar yet exciting and refreshingly unexpected. The resounding message was that we can afford to be bold in our creative message and dial up the exotic elements that make Jersey special; making more of our stunning views, French influence and slightly Mediterranean feel.


Jersey is a youthful and exciting holiday destination across the Channel bursting with new and exciting experiences to discover. We needed to breathe a blast of fresh sea air to British travellers who are pining to get away and try something new and exciting. 

Jersey has a unique feel about it. It’s a place that’s familiar, yet ever so slightly exotic. Jump on a short flight from over 20 UK airports, and in just under an hour you’ll feel the sand between your toes as the sun sinks over the warmest part of the British Isles. Wander a little off the beaten path, and the air of British familiarity gives way to a curiously Brit..(ish) feel.

The Island of Jersey delivers something unexpected for British travellers - we are close to home yet refreshingly exotic. That’s enough to make any visitor curious. The Curiously Brit...(ish) campaign is designed to provoke curiosity about Jersey's exotic side by serving up a refreshingly different twist on the familiar British holiday. It highlights our connectivity and proximity to the UK, but surprises and delights our audience with unique Jersey experiences and laidback continental influences to provide compelling reasons to visit.



Advertising concepts

Design development


This was our moment to present a fresh and modern cultural identity for the island. We needed to create an enduring and positive ‘image’ of Jersey with strong visual anchors that stuck in the minds of prospect visitors with a compelling hook that will make them want to visit.

So we created a distinctive and vibrant visual identity for the campaign including an exotic colour palette and typography, refreshed tone of voice, new suite of imagery and graphic devices. All in the lively and colourful spirit of the campaign.

We developed a series of ‘mini discoveries’ on TV and social media that riffed on traditional British holidays with a refreshing Jersey twist.  Each creative captured the twist on the familiar with copy and imagery working in tandem to deliver something unexpected and exotic. The play was always in the juxtaposition between the familiar (British) and the exotic (ish). This gave our imagery a distinct and differentiated style from our competitor destinations.

We worked with Visit Jersey to curate visitor experiences that highlighted Jersey’s exotic points of difference to encourage UK visitors to ponder the exciting possibilities of planning a holiday in Jersey and drive referrals to tourism business.





Visual storytelling

Artwork production

Script writing



The Curiously Brit..(ish) campaign was rolled out in bursts of activity from January - March 2022 with tactical print advert placements across top tier media including The Times, Guardian, Telegraph, Observer and VOD advertising on ITV and Channel 4. We also placed OOH in key London areas of high visibility. 

Rather than produce adverts for each individual audience segment, we broadened the appeal of our campaign by creating rich visual stories designed to appeal to all of our target audience segments in top tier UK media. 

Each ‘mini discovery’ has multiple elements that tap into all of our target audience's key motivations to visit: Outdoor adventure, coastal and rural landscapes, heritage and culture, food and drink. The images will work beautifully in tandem with the copy to celebrate Jersey's unique points of difference and curiously exotic side. The play is always in the juxtaposition between the familiar (British) and the exotic (ish).

THE results


positive consumer sentiment


inbound flights


Industry referrals

You are amazing creative talents and we've been really lucky to have benefited from your ideas and campaign development. Really looking forward to seeing even more of your creative genius as a consumer soon!

— Amanda Burns | CEO | Visit Jersey

We owe a huge thanks to our talented crew for helping us share our exotic island with the world.

Creative Director: Ben Jordan

Videographer and DOP: James O’Garra and Dan Murphy

Art Director: Anna Renouf

Photography: Matt Porteous at Studio M


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